Tell me, have you been…

It sounds like some Radical Self-Care is needed.

The time is NOW to put your self-love and self-care FRONT AND CENTER. And I’m here to take you there, in just THREE MONTHS.

It is time to give yourself love.

It is time to show up for YOU. 

It is time to dig into the transformation you have been aching for. 

We know that self-care is important, which leads to greater self-love – something we ALL need more of. You might be thinking of self-care as your daily meditation practices, getting a monthly massage or mani/pedi, or getting some movement in. All great things, but this is quite a bit deeper…

What exactly is RADICAL SELF-CARE?

Radical Self-Care is giving love and care to yourself on a deeper level: In this case, vaginal steaming. More specifically, THREE MONTHS of steaming, self-love support.

The details:

My journey into radical self-care…

Even though I gave birth to my firstborn 19 years ago, I still remember those times so vividly… My daughter had just been born and here I was with the most beautiful baby I could have imagined.  Yet I felt sad, alone, scared, and insecure – with a body that didn’t even feel like my own anymore.

I was overwhelmed, unsure of just about everything I was doing, and honestly was NOT prepared for what I was met with I went to the bathroom for the first time!   Back then, the thought that there was something I could do to support my vaginal recovery was far from my mind. You mean there was more to it than just ice packs and peri pads? Little did I know how important that truly was…

Fast-forward 15 years and there I was, expecting again – but THIS TIME, I vowed that things would be different.

This time I knew the importance of truly caring for myself as new mama AGAIN. This time I knew that a different kind of self-care was in order.

Vaginal steaming came into my life at precisely the right time, offering profound healing after a crazy fast birth, soothing comfort where I needed it most, relaxation that I had never felt before, and (perhaps most importantly) deeper connection with my body and celebration of what it had given me.

This simple act made a world of difference in my postpartum experience and my ongoing experience as a woman – and I have felt the calling to share it with you. You are worthy of feeling rested, cherished, balanced, and connected.

Right now, you deserve to put YOUR care front and center.

Don’t just take it from me…

“I was so excited, but also a little freaked out, to try vaginal steaming! Melissa was great at putting my apprehensions away with plenty of information, her cheerful & calming personality, and the wonderful experience. This is a self care practice that is wonderful and sustainable.

– Danna M.


What exactly is vaginal steaming? Vaginal steaming (yoni steaming, pelvic steaming, v-steaming) is an ancient healing practice using herbs and steam (or sometimes simply steam) to support the pelvic region, promoting relaxation, supporting an unbalanced cycle, and even aiding in postpartum recovery (and so much more!).

Is vaginal steaming only for postpartum support? Absolutely not! Aside from providing gentle, natural, and effective support for postpartum healing, the steaming process can offer a myriad of ways to support the menstrual cycle, as well as overall health. Check out my post: Top Reasons You Should Be V-Steaming That Aren’t Postpartum.

Can everyone vaginal steam? Unfortunately, there ARE some times where steaming won’t be a good fit for every season of life. Those include pregnancy, when TTC after insemination, during active menstruation or active spotting, or if you have two periods per month (spontaneous bleeding).

Meet Melissa, your vaginal steam facilitator and postpartum doula…

Hello goddess, Melissa here.

As a vaginal steam facilitator, postpartum doula, registered nurse, and mama to 2, my passion is simply to serve you on your journey: emotionally, spiritually, and physically. 

I strive to ensure each and every client feels that and knows they will be fully supported, wherever they are at in their divine journey.

My love of serving and educating others is what truly led me to become a v-steam facilitator and postpartum doula. That love is also what called me to bring to you my favorite radical act of self-care: vaginal steaming.

In my spare time, you’ll likely catch me with a steamy cup of coffee in hand, out-singing my kids to Disney music, and curled up with my nose in a book.

Still have more questions? CONTACT ME HERE to set up a FREE 30 minute discovery call – I’d love to chat with you about how steaming can take YOUR self-care to a whole new level.