Finding your postpartum village

Can I be honest? Sometimes parenthood can feel like an incredibly lonely time. 

You’ve probably heard the saying “It takes a village to raise a child.” But what about those who don’t have that village?  Let me tell you a little story…

I was a first time mama at 24. …

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Which is better, sitz baths or V-steaming? My answer might surprise you…

Let me confess:  My self-care game hasn’t always been on point.  

At 24 years old, I was a new mama.  My self-worth and confidence, in general, was on the low side to start with.  Add into the equation a new baby and being without much support, I definitely wasn’t feeling…

Pandemic, Anxiety, and Community

*This post was originally written in July of 2020, lost in the “edits” until today.

The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve learned to listen to my inner voice.  This morning was one of those moments.  I woke up like I normally have for the last 14 months: already…