High-Impact Self-Care for Busy Mamas

TRUE OR FALSE: Self-care is something I do only if I have time after everything else…

Let’s unpack this a bit.

I’ll be the first to admit that for YEARS, this statement was true for me. I kept my plate full of to-dos, rarely saying no to commitments. I went above and beyond to care for everyone else in my life – and always put myself dead last.

THE RESULT: A burnt out mama who seriously struggled with self-worth. Because honestly, was I showing myself that I was WORTH the loving care that I was giving so freely to others?

For some of us, this can be a tough mindset shift, putting ourselves first. So let’s start simply:


  1. Start (and end) each day with gratitude. The most powerful self-care starts from within, and that includes taking some time to reflect on what we are grateful for. Take a moment upon waking to jot down (in a notebook, on your phone, or with the Five Minute Journal app) and reflect on things you are grateful for ABOUT YOURSELF, as well as the world around you. At the end of the day, pull from that gratitude and make note of three things that were amazing today or things that made you smile.
  2. Get some sleep. As a mom of toddler who co-sleeps half of the night, I can attest to the high impact a solid stretch of sleep can make on the rest of my life. If night time stretches are still hard to come by, make a plan with your partner (if able) to help spread the love. Aim for an earlier bedtime – and don’t underestimate the power of cat naps. My confession: some days a nap alone in my own bed wins out over time to work. You have to listen to what you are truly needing and make it happen.
  3. At-home Vaginal Steaming. Vaginal steaming came into my life at precisely the right time, offering profound healing after my son’s crazy fast birth, soothing comfort where I needed it most, relaxation that I had never felt before, and (perhaps most importantly) DEEPER CONNECTION with my body and celebration of what it had given me. Combine that connection with something that could help you naturally increase postpartum healing, regulate your cycle, AND decrease your PMS symptoms – and you can see why V-steaming is HIGH IMPACT!
  4. Nourish your mind. Long gone are the weekends where I would truly recharge by spending my days curled up in a cozy chair with a good book. If I want to get some good ol’ brain food in, I have got to plan for it – but it is SO WORTH IT. Taking the time each day to fill our mind with positive nourishment can do wonders to nourish your entire being. It can help keep the mind sharp, improve your focus and memory, and (my favorite) reduce stress. For me, I love to pop in an audiobook while driving in the car, or even just reading a few pages of a book after climbing into bed.

When it comes to self-care, the old adage of “filling your cup first” couldn’t ring more true.

By nourishing and loving on yourself FIRST, you allow yourself to be more present and connected altogether.

I challenge you today to take one of these acts of self-care and incorporate it into your routine for 1 month – I guarantee you will start seeing profound changes!

If you are interested in learning more about virtual v-steaming with BabyGlow Doula, head HERE, or drop me a message melissa@babyglowdoula.com – I’m ready to support you in bringing radical self-care into your life, front and center.


Melissa is BabyGlow Doula: a postpartum doula with a spiritual inclination to support mothers as they embrace their inner glow of the mother goddess. Whether you are a mother, mama-to-be, or a mother in spirit, Melissa is there to simply to serve you on your postpartum journey: emotionally, spiritually, and physically.