Top reasons you should be v-steaming that aren’t postpartum

Here at InnerGlow Vaginal Steaming, you might think I’m ALLLLLLL about the postpartum life. Yes, it’s a big passion of mine – but did you know that I support more than just pregnant and postpartum folks?

Let’s talk full-spectrum care and v-steaming for a sec here.

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you know that postpartum steaming had a profound effect on my healing and reconnection with my body after having my son (head over to Nichole Joy’s website and check out episode #71 of her podcast episode where I talk all about it!).

But when it comes to vaginal steaming, I love supporting ALL. From those just starting menstruation to folks going through menopause, and everything in between, steaming can have a supportive role in your overall wellbeing and self-care.

But let’s save a pinch of time and dive into some top reasons you should v-steam that AREN’T postpartum related…

⓵ Proper womb care/period care: steaming supports your body’s monthly uterine cleanse by helping clear out stagnation (Quick fact: did you know that most women have some degree of old reside or build-up in their uterus, showing up at brown flow or discharge? And that brown flow or discharge is NOT normal? 😳 ) By steaming, you are gently supporting your body’s natural ability to cleanse itself!

⓶ Supports a balanced cycle: a proper herb selection and steaming plan can help with absent periods, long (or short) menstrual cycles, heavy bleeding, clots, as well as cramps, pain, headaches, and back pain associated with your cycle. This herb selection should be unique to YOUR personal needs. For example, you should have a combination of cleansing, disinfections, moisturizing, and relaxing herbs, as well as herbs that support the replenishment of blood. The ratios of herbs will depend on YOUR individual needs (and this is just one reason you should start your steaming journey with a vaginal steam facilitator, like me!)

⓷ Clearing out the bad: vaginal steaming can help clear out irregular vaginal discharge, helping to relieve and reduce infection symptoms (there have been many positive results from folks steaming for recurrent BV, yeast, and even HPV symptoms!).

⓸ Radical self-care + connection with self: nothing tells your body “I love you” like taking sacred time to care for it, connect with high intention, and honor what it has done for you. My favorite “perk” of steaming, by far. There is nothing I love ending my evenings with more than some 1:1 time with myself, steaming before bed. It allows me to connect deeper with myself after a busy day and truly serve my body.

NOTE: When starting your vaginal steaming journey, you don’t have to be overwhelmed trying to figure out your herb recipe, steaming frequency and duration, as well as how to set up your steaming at home – as a vaginal steam facilitator, I take care of all of that for you! Learn more HERE.

So where do you fall in this spectrum? Postpartum or not, young or mature, we ALL deserve this kind of radical self-care – and I’m here for that journey, 100%.


Melissa is BabyGlow Doula: a postpartum doula with a spiritual inclination to support mothers as they embrace their inner glow of the mother goddess. Whether you are a mother, mama-to-be, or a mother in spirit, Melissa is there to simply to serve you on your postpartum journey: emotionally, spiritually, and physically.