Five Tips for Planning Postpartum Support

I can still remember that moment when I first became a mama…

I was pregnant with my daughter while in my mid-twenties, excited about the life ahead of us – and holy hell was I scared of all the things I didn’t know.  And while I went through an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth, I felt lost, had a birth that I didn’t have much say in how it went, and really felt alone and isolated after she arrived. 

I was overwhelmed, unsure of just about everything I was doing, and felt more alone than I ever thought possible.  Even with extended family nearby, the support I received was minimal.  And the questions?  Oh boy did I have questions! 

Fast forward 14+ years and I was in the midst of a fertility journey, struggling to conceive in my late 30’s.   I now had a teenaged daughter, was remarried, and had been working as a registered nurse for almost 14 years – life was pretty dang different this time around! 

When I eventually became pregnant via IUI with my son, once again, I felt like a new mama all over again. Boy had things changed in those 14+ years! 

This time however, I knew I had the power to have an experience that was mine alone – I was in control of my pregnancy, our birth, and the postpartum period. 

Having been pregnant before, as a younger mama, I now knew how important it was to have support in the postpartum period – and how MY rest, recovery, and nutrition was just as important as my baby’s. 

Our son’s due date was ironically on my daughter’s 15th birthday, but he was sweet enough to show up a couple weeks earlier to spare her the sharing! Being a first-time mama TWICE has been one of the biggest blessings in my life.  It has taught me so much, given me special bonding time with BOTH of my children, and ultimately plays a big part in what drives me as a postpartum doula.  

 Regardless of how far apart pregnancies are, each pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period are its own special times, complete with its unique trials and triumphs. 

And while postpartum planning and support are topics I could literally talk about ALL DAY, I’ll spare you for the time being and instead share with you just a few of my tips for planning support after pregnancy. 

#1: Acknowledge and affirm that your rest, recover, nutrition, and self-care are TOP PRIORITY after babe arrives.  Period.  Fill that cup before tending to everyone else’s needs.  

#2:  Plan nourishment like it’s going out of style.  When it comes to foods for postpartum recovery, focus on foods that are warming, easy-to-digest, minimally processed, and a cinch to prepare.  One of my favorite resources is the first forty days by Heng Ou.  She has some excellent recipes that are easy to prep while pregnant and have ready to roll in the freezer.  Bonus points if you have a meal train set up and you share these preferences with your loved ones!

#3:  Set up your postpartum spaces.  This means that in your bathroom, you have your postpartum comfort tools within reach: feminine pads, peri spray, sitz bath herbs, etc.  If you have a designated feeding spot (or two) for breastfeeding or bottle feeding, have it set up with a big bottle of water, snacks (I loved oat granola bars and trail mix!), and a notebook or deck of affirmation cards (I kept these ones near my nursing chair).  The last thing you want is to be settled in and having to text or call for someone to bring you what you need!

#4: Hire a postpartum doula!  The main goal of a postpartum doula is to serve YOU as the mama.  What that serving looks like depends on what your needs are, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Check out some of the things I do for my clients hereP.S. You can also get virtual postpartum services! 

#5: Find your community.  Know who your friends and family are that are available to help when needed.  Start looking now for postpartum support groups near you.  Facebook is a great place to look for local mom groups to meet up with. 

BONUS TIP: Check out my Mama-Centered Postpartum Planning course for the ultimate virtual hand-holding through your planning process – now with an optional virtual messenger support add-on! CLICK HERE!

Those were my five quick tips that will make a HUGE difference in preparing for life with baby! Which one feels the most feasible for you? Feel free to drop me a message with any questions – remember, we’re all in this together, mama.  


Melissa is BabyGlow Doula: a postpartum doula with a spiritual inclination to support mothers as they embrace their inner glow of the mother goddess. Whether you are a mother, mama-to-be, or a mother in spirit, Melissa is there to simply to serve you on your postpartum journey: emotionally, spiritually, and physically.