Pandemic, Anxiety, and Community

*This post was originally written in July of 2020, lost in the “edits” until today.

The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve learned to listen to my inner voice.  This morning was one of those moments.  I woke up like I normally have for the last 14 months: already tired, craving coffee, but feeling crazy blessed.  This morning, though, I had the mamas in my community on my mind.  The new mamas.  The ones that are “old hat” at this parenting bit.  The soon-to-be mamas with so much excitement ahead of them.  This morning I asked myself: “How are they really doing and what do they need today?”

My inner voice answer? 

Reassurance.  Acceptance. Each other.

I was looking back at pictures from 14 months ago.  Postpartum day #14 with Ollie, to be exact.  That’s this picture you see here.  A peaceful, sleeping babe.  But what I remember most is what you DON’T see in this pictureCrippling postpartum anxiety.  Irrational fears.  Solitude.  I hit that two week postpartum hormone shift and like clockwork, my anxiety surged.  And while I had anticipated its arrival and had my “toolkit” at the ready (herbal tinctures, essential oils, family support), it was still scary.  I mention this today for a few reasons…

First of all, this happens.  It hurts.  It is scary.  But you aren’t alone.  Whether anxiety is hitting you during pregnancy, postpartum (like me back then), or further down the road (like many of us are dealing with right now), it is all normal as our body adapts to the changes within us and around us.  The times we are in right now bring a different sort of anxiety. For my pregnant mamas, perhaps the thought of pregnancy and birth during a pandemic has been keeping you up at night.  New parents, feeling the stress of not being able to introduce their new baby to their friends and family.  Or the mamas of older kiddos, trying to explain why everyone has masks on when they leave the home, unsure how they will navigate what the “new” school looks like in the fall, or simply just dealing with the fear that an illness will hit their dear family.  You too, are not alone.  

We see you, doing such an amazing job, managing in these times.

We hear you, unsure if you are making the right decisions – but you are doing it, bravely.

We feel as you do, the same fears, insecurities, sleeplessness – you name it, we are there with you.

So today, take that deep cleansing breath in, unroll those shoulders, rub that baby bump or share a big, loving snuggle with your child.  Another day in the books, and you made it.


Melissa is BabyGlow Doula: a postpartum doula with a spiritual inclination to support mothers as they embrace their inner glow of the mother goddess. Whether you are a mother, mama-to-be, or a mother in spirit, Melissa is there to simply to serve you on your postpartum journey: emotionally, spiritually, and physically.